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Advances in
Physics 2022

Hybrid: Online + Jeju Island, Korea January 23 (Sun) - 29 (Sat)

이미지 제공: Alex Perez


Holographic principle is a powerful and general theoretical framework which allows us to quantitatively understand the strongly coupled region of quantum gravity and quantum field theory. The localization technique of supersymmetric gauge field theories helped us to calculate the partition function and Wilson loops exactly, thus making precision tests of string duality possible.


Open quantum system is intensively studied in various fields of physics. Such open system is affected by its environments to describe non-equilibrium state. The frameworks for open quantum system and non-equilibrium state has not been fully established, and the development of techniques for open quantum systems will be a promising problem in QFT as well as gravity.


The program aims at bringing together experts in Korean physics community as well as international online participants with the goal of exchanging ideas and launching new collaborations. This workshop focuses on

  • Non-equilibrium open quantum system

  • SUGRA and supersymmetric gauge theory

  • Holography.

이미지 제공: Nathan Dumlao


Stephen Angus (APCTP)
Chris Couzens (Kyunghee University)
Paolo Glorioso (Stanford University)
Taiki Haga (Osaka Metropolitan University)
Kanghoon Lee (APCTP)
Viktor Jahnke (GIST)
Matti Jarvinen (APCTP)
Shota Komatsu (CERN)
Pavel Kovtun (University of Victoria)
Subhajit Mazumdar (SNU)
Jesse Van Muiden (SISSA)
Tadashi OKazaki (KIAS)
Miok Park (IBS-CTPU)
Mukund Rangamani (UC Davis)
Dario Rosa (PCS-IBS)
Akhil Sivakumar (ICTS)
Kaiwen Sun (KIAS)
Xin Wang (KIAS)


시그니처 세로형_영문조합형.jpg



Ryo Hanai (APCTP)

Euihun Joung (Kyunghee University)
Nakwoo Kim (Kyunghee Univsity)
Junggi Yoon (APCTP)


Please send questions to  junggi(dot)yoon(at)apctp(dot)org

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