Session 1
10:00, Sep 12 (Wed)
Yasha Neiman (OIST)
A workaround and a direct objection to the quartic non-locality result [black board]
Session 2
11:30, Sep 12 (Wed)
Michael Ponds (Western Australia University)
Conformal interactions between matter and higher-spin (super)fields [Slide]
Session 3
14:00, Sep 12 (Wed)
Simon Pekar (University of Mons)
Carrollian conformal higher-spin algebras in any dimensions [Slide]
Session 4
15:30, Sep 12 (Wed)
Thomas Basile (University of Mons)
Revisiting Segal’s action principle for conformal higher spin gravity [Slide]
Session 5
10:00, Sep 13 (Thu)
Shai Chester (Havard University)
Derivation of AdS/CFT for Vector Models at Finite N [Slide]
Session 6
11:30, Sep 13 (Thu)
Jeong-Hyuck Park (Sogang University)
Recent developments in Double Field Theory [black board]
Session 7
10:00, Sep 14 (Fri)
Dmitry Ponomarev (Lebedev Institute)
On higher-spin holography in flat space [black board]
Session 8
10:00, Sep 15 (Sat)
Evgeny Skvortsov (University of Mons)
Chiral News [Slide]
Session 9
11:30, Sep 15 (Sat)
Tung Tran (University of Mons)
Twistor construction for (quasi-)chiral higher-spin theories [Slide]
Student Talk 1
14:00, Sep 15 (Sat)
Daniel Hutchings (Western Australia University)
AdS superprojectors [Slide]
Student Talk 2
14:20, Sep 15 (Sat)
Taehwan Oh (Kyunghee University)
RECIPES for Worldline Particles [Slide]
Student Talk 3
14:40, Sep 15 (Sat)
Emmanouli Raptakis (Western Australia University)
Duality-invariant conformal higher-spin models [Slide]
Session 10
10:00, Sep 16 (Sun)
Andrea Campoleoni (University of Mons)
Infinite distances in multicritical CFTs and higher-spin holography [Slide]
Session 11
11:30, Sep 16 (Sun)
Iva Lovrekovic (TU Wien)
Holography of new conformal higher spin gravities in three dimensions [Slide]
Session 12
14:00, Sep 16 (Sun)
Nicolas Boulanger (University of Mons)
Higher spins from higher dualisations [Slide]
Session 13
15:30, Sep 16 (Sun)
Karapet Mkrtchyan (Imperial College London)
Session 14
10:00, Sep 17 (Mon)
Yasuaki Hikida (YITP)
Three-dimensional de Sitter holography [Slide]
Session 15
11:30, Sep 17 (Mon)
Sachin Jain (IISER Pune)
Anyons and Bosonization in 3d: Mapping slightly broken Higher spin (SBHS) theory correlator to Free theory correlator [Black board]
Session 16
14:00, Sep 17 (Mon)
Maxim Grigoriev (Lebedev Institute)